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lemonade to fight depression

depression fightin’ lemonade!

Body Mind

Summer’s coming and who doesn’t love a refreshing tall glass of lemonade need a tall glass of calm and comfort. So why not add the power of #turmeric and help fight off the depression that can come out of the blue because of a pandemic!

Turmeric’s been known to encompass some of the best medicinal values that can deliver an all-in-one solution to health conditions (inflammation and depression are what it’s best known for). Powerful anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent cancer, lowering cholesterol, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, heartburn, jaundice, diarrhea, gallbladder and stomach pain and of course also well known to treat depression!

turmeric lemonade
How to make a depression fighting turmeric lemonade

Recipe- serves 4

4 cups of cold filtered water
2 Tbsp of freshly grated turmeric
4 Tbsp 100% maple syrup (or honey)
1-1/2 fresh lemon juice (or lime juice if you want to change it up)

Mix all the ingredients with some ice cubes in a glass mason jar or cocktail shaker strain and serve it with frozen slices of lemon & enjoy!

xox tamara