I just love Spring & the start of more frequent running races don’t you?
I live in an area that (thankfully) has year-round races, but it’s always exciting in the Spring when there are more & more of them popping up all over the place. If you don’t remember, I made an ambitious goal in September 2012 to run one race a month for an entire year. It went quite well but now that race season has finally shown up…. well, it’s getting pretty exciting.
The race attendance numbers are getting HUGE, the distances are getting longer (1/2 & full Marathons, etc), the number of people lining the streets is growing too & I’m just happy the sun is out 🙂
With this in mind, I thought I would make a ‘to-do’ list or ‘don’t forget’ list.
I’m sure we can all relate to the night before nerves & the morning of jitters. I’m hoping this list will help reduce all the craziness that can come. I’ve been there when that sinking feeling hits you that you’ve forgotten your ear~buds…. I’d never want to forget my fuel… can you imagine getting to the finish line & your go-to recovery drink isn’t there? Yikes!
So here it is, my little Race Ready List (& yes, it’s printable!!)
thins to get ready the night before:
breakfast (for me it’s just a nice hot double espresso)
race bag with:
fuel gels or bars
cell & music device & earbuds
hydration belt, water bottle
race bib, safety pins & timing chip
sunscreen & anti~chafing gels
hair ties, sweat bands, etc
sunglasses, hat or visor
watch, GPS, etc
after run needs *see below
cash & or credit cards
I.D. & emergency contact info
race info & directions
Meet up Spot
running shoes
moisture wick socks (if you wear socks, I go without)
favourite shorts, spandex, running skirt
lucky running top & sports bra
warm~up layer or arm warmers/gloves
after run needs (keep in Race Bag):
post-run food & recovery drink
clean shoes or flip~flops
first aid kit with ice pack or muscle creams, Traumeel, etc
warm jacket & pants
towel or blanket
So, what do you think of the Race Ready list? Is it going to help you be more prepared & less anxious?
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