Positive mental health can be unquestionably supported by being conscious of our thoughts. This can include being grateful for what we have in our lives as well as by the words we speak to ourselves inwardly and outwardly.
Don’t misread me, I’m not claiming that thinking positive is going to get rid of prolonged depression or anxiety.
There have, however, been strong studies showing that positive thinking can tremendously help low moods and defeating thoughts! BFFs, journaling and even therapy can be a god-sent in getting the dementors out of your mind.
Whether you like trying it solo or you’ve got your friends raring to go for a gab sesh, try a few different exercises to get out of your head and release destructive or hostile thoughts and feelings that have a stronghold on you.
Try journaling! Express your emotions, ask your inner self questions or begin by forgiving yourself (or someone else). It doesn’t have to be heavy, it just needs to feel good.
A good gab sesh with a friend or counsellor is a great way to get thoughts out of your head and that’s more than half the battle of getting rid of them (or at least noticing how destructive and unlikely they are).