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time blocking

how 45 minutes can change your life

Blog Love Mind Work

stressed out ladyDo you have one of those to-do lists that grows like a teenager, eating away all your patience and never allowing you the chance to feel accomplished?

There’s a fine line between getting your to-do list done and being exhausted just looking at it. I’ll admit I’m pretty certain I suffer from some sort of ADHD… I’m always interrupting myself and getting distracted by the littlest noise or thought.

But there still has to be a way to get your shit done… doesn’t there?

well, there is ⇓

After a lot of research (and podcast listening to some smarties like Andrew Huberman and Tim Ferris) I’ve found 2 scientifically studied and proven techniques that are great for getting shit done and feeling hella accomplished!

For the last 2 months, I’ve been practicing both of these techniques and have found (that at least for moi) they work best when used together.

The 1st is the act of time blocking

what is time blocking?

Time blocking is a specific way of designing your day that helps boost productivity by dividing it into specific blocks of time. By using this method, each block represents the time reserved for working on a specific task or goal.

There are a few great ways to maximize your time blocking.


In order to create an efficient time block, you’re going to want to group similar tasks together. This can be items like errands out of the house, computer or project work, cleaning spaces (ex picking up clothes and doing laundry), selfcare, working out, etc.


Schedule the most important or high-level items during a period you know you’ll have the time and best energy to complete them. For example, if I don’t run or work out first thing in the morning it’s not happening, and I’m the most focused for writing and being creative after I do a little sweat sesh and get some protein into me!


It’s a really great practice to bookend your day with morning and evening rituals or routines. These should be just as important as a job, your home or selfcare related tasks and should be given the time, space and energy they (and you) deserve!

Need ideas for some morning and evening routines? Click the time frames to read more!

*bonus tip* schedule breaks everywhere you can and always add buffer times to your blocks- this can help if you run overtime, if life just gets in the way or while you’re still experimenting with your perfect time blocking time.

The 2nd technique is to use your body’s natural ultradian rhythms

What is an ultradian rhythm??

An ultradian rhythm is a recurring body cycle that takes place during the course of a 24-hour day, unlike a circadian rhythm which follows a 24-hour cycle (circadian rhythms’ natural processes are primarily to light and dark).

Ultradian rhythms are approximately 90 minutes long with a 20-minute break in between, though they can be as long as a few hours and as short as 30-45 minutes (but there is always a break in between)!

Incorporating this type of cycle into your schedule means following your body’s natural work/rest cycles which can reduce fatigue and increase productivity. Knowing when your ultradian cycle starts and ends can help reduce the feelings of stress and allow your natural energies to propel you through your tasks.

I know this may sound intimidating, overwhelming or just plain confusing, but it works right into the time-blocking notes above, and with a little experimenting with yourself (and some patience), you can be moving through your day fulfilling all your goals with ease and love (ok… I know that sounds major… but you know what I mean!)

The most important tip?

Listen to your body’s cues and be patient!

Feeling a bit flustered or stressed? You may be getting to the end of your ultradian cycle.

Feeling foggy and unable to concentrate? You may be getting to the end of your ultradian cycle.

Is time flying by and you feel like you can finish anything? You’re probably still in the mists of your ultradian cycle, so let it ride girl!

Second most important tip?

Keep track of how you feel and when you feel it. These times won’t fluctuate too much from day to day and week to week, which is really nice to plan your time blocks (though you may get better at it, and by that I mean, being able to work for longer periods of time at once).

So let’s be honest, these tips are pretty major in the way that you will really need to have patience and the willingness to change some old-time habits. But that to-do list isn’t going to complete itself! Give yourself a few weeks to play around with it and see what happens (I’d love to hear how it went too, so come back here or hit me up on IG and let me know!)

