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selfcare products

selfcare amazon prime products

Self Care

hey girl, everyone’s taking advantage of this year’s amazon prime sale, so don’t miss out on getting your hands on some of my top picks to uplevel your selfcare!

Bed Room

I received this moon light as a gift and it’s the perfect ball of light while laying in bed and cuddling with the kitties! There are 2 different ‘moods’ and it totally vibes with my astrology obsession.

I love having essential oils going in the house and this mini diffuser is perfect because I can take it with me from the bedroom to the office or put it in our front entrance! This one is so cute and inexpensive!


if you don’t have a Gua Sha yet I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. This one is made from pure real rose quartz (obv my fav stone) and no matter what you think, this is da-bomb! (they also make one in Jade which I believe is the OG of the Gua Sha)

Have you ever slept with a sleep mask? If you have you’ll know my obsession, you’ll never go back! I swear it makes me sleep deeper and sounder! This is my fav sleep mask, it’s made with silk, isn’t too heavy or tight and easy to wash.