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5 ways to cut your grocery bill (and food waste down) during these money-tight times

Financial Recipes

Listen, we’re all struggling to emerge out of this maddening pandemic. But now with sky-rocketing inflation and our health (and health care) system being in a precarious state, it can seem like too much to deal with.

This ↑ All of this ↑ can cause a ton of stress,

and shit- after the last 3 years we really don’t need it.

So here are my top 5 ways to cut your food bill (and your food waste – cause the environment needs us too)!

1: Buy in bulk

Nowadays you can find nearly any organic, healthy, superfood in the bulk bin. Take a look, compare prices & save. Gather up glass jars & fill your cupboards (& fridge) with frugal healthy goodness!

Items like dry beans, pasta and rice are ideal. It’s also a great way to pick up and stock up on items when they’re on sale.

2: Buy in season

There is a reason organic pineapples are so fuckin’ expensive in December & pomegranates are ridiculously priced in July. When you buy in season you are buying what’s readily available & therefore costs are more reasonable. We know this, but honestly, we’re used to being spoilt with choices. Buying these foods in season is going to give us foods much higher in vitamins aka way better for you. So ditch the fancy out-of-season shit and eat what’s legit fresh.

3: Buy local

For the same reason that buying in-season makes sense, buying local will be kinder on your wallet too. When produce (& any food for that matter) doesn’t have to travel countless miles to get to your door, the price tag will reflect (and mama earth smiles). So make friends with your local farmer or the lady with the backyard chickens and eat what’s nearby.

4: Meal Prep

Listen, if you don’t meal prep it’s probably because you, like me, HATE IT! But it’s a serious way to keep your grocery bill down and your food waste nearly nonexistent. What’s the gist of meal prep? Well, you buy exactly what you need, make a shit ton of meals out of it, freeze some, share some and voila! I know it’s a lot of work upfront, all that cutting and washing and cooking, but in the long run you’ll be laughing. Make your kids help out and it can become a bonding moment!

5: Buy on Sale

We all love a good sale, but when money is tight it can get weird. It’s like a game and it can take a bit of time to catch up and be at the right pace.

Already have rice at home, but your fav brand goes on sale… what do you do? You don’t need cheese this week but it’s on for a wicked price, do you get it or not? You want to buy stuff that’s on sale, but you need to be smart. Can you freeze the extra sale items? Maybe you can make meals out of them and freeze them? Dry bulk items like rice, pasta and beans can last in a cool dry location for long periods of time. But then again you don’t wanna be that hoarder lady who has 10 years of rice just in case!

Take it day by day and try to plan as much as possible. It won’t be easy if you’ve never done it before, but a little planning will go a long way. Look at a few recipe books, pick 3 or 4 meals for the week and buy what you can on sale. Spice things up with spices and try something new that you found on sale. You never know where your next fav meal will come from.

hope these tips help you save!

