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The best best very best miso dressing ever.


I don’t think the title really captures how I feel about this dressing.
I’ve made 3 batches in the last week & a half…


I’ve had to. It just goes so fast…

I put it on everything, and I’m certain you will too.

Quinoa Burgers…
Even on its Own…


I can’t get enough of it…

Let me tell you a bit about this Miso Dressing before I get to the recipe…..

Miso, Oh Miso, How I love you! Miso is Pure 100000% Goodness for you. I will say right now, Miso is one of the few items that I recommend having in your house at all times.


It’s a fabulous Fermented food that’s packed full of living enzymes. Miso comes in many different Tastes & Colours, the lighter in colour it is the sweeter it will be. It can be made with anything from ChickPeas, Adzuki Beans, Brown Rice & more!

Using Miso can help reduce chronic pain for many people, can act as a natural antacid, can lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, limit cancer cell growth & so much more.

It’s said to even protect against atomic radiation and heavy metal poisoning.

When using Miso for the First time, I’d recommend starting with a lighter colour until you are accustomed to the unique taste (it won’t take long). Also, a very very important thing to remember when using and especially cooking with Miso is to never boil or heat it to a high temp. That going to kill all of the beneficial enzymes, and therefore render them useless to your body.

Tahini is another super amazing food that is made from Sesame Seeds. It is really rich in lots of Vitamins & Minerals:

Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, Fatty Acids, Biotin, Choline, Magnesium, Lecithin, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Vitamin A & E (WoW eh!!)

It’s also a better source of Protein than Milk, Soya, & many Nuts! It may seem really oily, but it’s all healthy, good fat so don’t worry.
After all that Hype, I really hope you LOVE it too…

Here we go!
♥ 3 TBsp Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed of course)
♥ 5 TBsp Tahini (Raw is better)
♥ 5 TBsp Miso (any kind, I’ve used light, dark & medium, it’s ALL GOOD!!!)
♥ 1/3 Cup High-Quality Oil (I use Udo’s 3-6-9)
♥ 1/2 Cup Filtered Water
♥ 3+ Garlic Cloves (depending on your personal Garlic Preferences)

Put it in a Jar, it’ll stay in the fridge for a few weeks 🙂

*thin this dressing out with a bit more water if using as a salad dressing*
Make Sure it’s all in there, & enjoy!!!

Have you ever tried Miso?

Do you love it?
What’s your Fav. way to use it?