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bach drops

a beautiful experience with bach drops

Blog Love Mind

Life with toddlers or teens, a home to keep running while running to work can be fuckin’ exhausting, and the emotions that seem to come out of nowhere (stress, hormones, lack of sleep) can and have derailed my day in mere seconds. It can be so hard to compensate for and frustrating to navigate with everything thing else that’s going on (especially now… pandemic anyone??)!!! AHHH

I don’t remember the day, but I know I felt so defeated, down and like I was drowning. After weeks of my house being an emotional roller-coaster I didn’t know how the f*#k was I suppose to understand and calm all these emotions from all these different humans without going bankrupt in counselling fees or getting a drinking problem?? (seriously, that was my thought).

rage. sadness.  anxiety. frustration. even shyness. seemed all around us.

There were so many times these little humans (and even myself) didn’t even know where these emotions were coming from…. I mean how do you fix that?

But after days of online searching and long nights of frustration and crying (lots of crying) I finally found it… an amazing & extremely helpful natural (you know how much I love a good natural remedy, esp for my babies) remedy called the Bach Flower Remedy system.

The Original Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 different flower essences that work to correct Emotional Imbalances (replacing negative emotions with positive ones.) I even found this great little check list to see what remedy is best for your current situation.bach drops

Bach Flower’s are simple, natural remedies that have stood the test of time (like since the 1930’s). Each of the 38 essences works on a different emotion & you can use them on their own or create a totally personalized mixture for what you need at any moment (they also have one called Rescue Remedy that is a must have for your car, purse, office, & anywhere where you may experience any type of shock – accidents, anxiety attacks, trauma etc*).

These remedies are so extremely safe that you can use them on newborns, kids, adults, pets, plants, & anyone else that you can think of (you either put drops under your tongue, in a glass of water, on your wrist, it’s endless!)

Wellness & the true health that most people seek, can be found along many different roads. Sometimes trying, testing & safe experimenting can have great advantages & be a wonderful educational experience. I try to remember that wellness involves the emotional, spiritual & physical side, to neglect one can mean trouble for the others.

I feel very strongly that a bit of research regarding Natural Remedies is a much better option then the more prevalent prescription pick~up that our society tends to favour.


Here are just a few of the negative emotions Bach Flowers can help you with:

Bad temperament

It’s been said there are only 3 things to remember when using the Bach Flower Remedies
#1 Take responsibility for your own healing & help yourself to be yourself
#2 Never take physical symptoms into account
#3 Treat for the way you feel right now, not the way you were feeling last week, month or year

Who wouldn’t want all this right?

I can tell you personally that my boys & I use these ALL.THE.TIME. & they work amazing! I’ve seen shyness disappear from my son and confidence grow that even surprised him! I’ve felt sadness and depression evaporate in a few hours and it’s even helped my kids fall asleep faster and easier (they use to have such trouble with racing thoughts and not being able to stop thinking before bed…. ummm… hello… my life every night I try to go to sleep? We’ve used them when moving to help with change and transition, and we’ve used them after car accidents and before scary dentist appointments (even the dentist was beyond shocked at how well my son took the second appointment seeing he was an absolute mess at the first one). These remedies really work!

I believe one thing that’s certain is how much you will love & use these Remedies. The only question may be what to start with?

If you shop on then feel free to use my coupon code tamaramaria for 10$ off your order of 40$ or more!

*note* these remedies should in no way replace proper help with serious trauma or pain*

xox tamara