Whether you’re getting older (ahem… fuk that shit) or you’re just a smart lady and want to take care of your skin before it’s too late, these are the top 3 oils I love using on my face.
#1 Now Turmeric Essential Oil
Now makes incredibly clean, pure essential oils and when you pair that with turmeric’s properties, this oil is beyond incredible for your skin. Most well known for its anti-inflammatory and pain relief- I’ve personally found that using this particular essential oil after a day out in the sun is very soothing. It also works really great when I get blemishes or acne. I recommend using a carrier oil like Now’s Almond oil or even your kitchen coconut oil (try 2-3 drops of each)!
#2 Routine Hydrating Body Oil Serum
Two Canadian sisters started this beautiful company and their all-over body oil is packed with the most luxurious botanicals. Routine oils feature organic, vegan ingredients and I can never get enough! With an incredible assortment of oils, you really only have to choose the scent you like most and then apply it daily (on your face, neck, fingers, nails, elbows, ankles, arms, hair, you get the idea). I’m currently obsessed with Sexy Sadie.
#3 Now Pure Rosehip Seed Oil 
Now’s Rosehip seed oil is rich in Omega-6 essential fatty acids and I love to use this to aid skin cell renewal and help with all the damage my skin has gone through (from my years of sun-worshipping). It’s anti-aging, uber hydrating and helps with scarring and hyperpigmentation.
I know you may be thinking that putting oil on your face can cause breakouts, but it’s just not true! Just make sure you’re using safe, organic oils and you’ll see a difference in a week to 10 days.
which oil do you think you’ll try first?